Tours times: 10:30, 12:00, 1:30, 3:00

Kents Cavern Around The World

In excess of 80,000 artefacts have been unearthed from Kents Cavern giving the cave its incredible archaeological history. Over the last two centuries several impressive excavations have taken place and many of the artefacts found were sent triumphantly around the world proving the antiquity of both man and Ice Age beasts. Today, the Kents Cavern Foundation is working to locate as many artefacts as possible, from museums all over the world.

The Royal Albert Memorial Museum

The Royal Albert Memorial Museum

The Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter has recently been refurbished and now includes an exhibition of prehistoric stone technologies with many Kents Cavern artefacts. 

Country: England

The British Museum

The British Museum

The British Museum’s collection of Kents Cavern material goes back to 1850 when Augustus Franks was appointed to establish a collection of British antiquities at the museum.  He collected some of Father John MacEnery’s  finds and did not hesitate to add handaxes from Pengelly’s…

Country: England

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum in London has a large collection from Kents Cavern, mainly in storage including rare foetal mammoth teeth.  The Kents Cavern jawbone was exhibited there in 2014 for the “Britain: 1 million years of the human story” exhibition. 

Country: England

Brixham Heritage Museum

Brixham Museum

Brixham Museum has many finds from the Brixham caves, excavated by William Pengelly before the Great Excavation of Kents Cavern between 1865-1880. 

Country: England

Torquay Museum

Torquay Museum

Torquay Museum holds the largest collection of Kents Cavern material in the World with over 15,000 artefacts including the famous Kents Cavern 41,000 year old jawbone, the oldest early modern human fossil in Britain. 

Country: England

Museum National d'histoire Naturelle

Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

Key artefacts: hyena and horse remains.

Country: France

Smithsonian Museum

Smithsonian Institution

Key artefacts: Bones from megaceros, ox teeth, hyaena teeth and bones

Country: America

Museum Victoria

Museum Victoria

Key artefacts: unspecified remains of rhinoceros antiquitatis, unspecified remains of hyaena crocuta, unspecified remains of equus caballus

Country: Australia

Hull and East Riding Museum

Hull and East Riding Museum

Key artefact: Hyena remains

Country: England

Bridport Museum

Bridport Museum

Key artefacts: Megaceros giganteus lower jaw, crocuta upper jaw, elephant tooth, section of large limb bone from coeldonta antiquitatis

Country: England

Horniman Museum

Horniman Museum

Key artefacts: Tooth of elephant

Country: England

Oxford University, Museum of Natural History

Oxford University, Museum of Natural History

Key artefacts: Wild cat mandible, otter mandible, bovid femur, 11 pottery fragments, 1 bone awl, 4 woolly mammoth molar teeth

Country: England

University of Leicester

University of Leicester

Key artefacts: Crocuta spelaea sesamoid bone, crocuta spelaea coprolite x 8, Many unidentified teeth and bones

Country: England

Leeds Museum

Leeds Museum

Key Artefacts: Deer left metacarpal, large bovid tooth, Badger jaw and teeth, lepus europaeus right femur, Crocute spelaean upper left canine. Rangifer tarandus end of right tibia, vulpes femur, panther leo tibia

Country: England

The Great North Museum

The Great North Museum

Key Artefacts: 14 milk teeth of cave hyena, cave bear phalanx, atlas vertebra from wolf or hyena

Country: England

Gloucester City Museum

Gloucester City Museum

Key Artefacts: Jaw of carvnivore

Country: England

National Museum of Dublin

National Museum of Dublin

Key Artefacts: Rhino remains, horse remains, equus caballus teeth

Country: Ireland

Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive

Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive

Key artefacts: Many flint flakes and implements of various colours

Country: England

Bath Royal Institute

Bath Royal Institute

Key artefacts: Ursus spelaeus radius, rangifer tarandus antler, panthera leo spelaean humerus, coelodonta antiquitatis milk tooth, cervus elephas jawbone with teeth.

Country: England

Discover Kents Cavern

The Jawbone of Kents Cavern

The UK's Oldest Human Fossil was found here at Kents Cavern.
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Trailblazing Archaeologists

Kents Cavern is the birthplace of modern archaeological methods because of William Pengelly.
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Cave animals

The oldest animal remains found in Kents Cavern are around 500,000 years old!
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